Goal 11: Sustainable Cities & Communities
(Government Digital Services, 2019)
In order to accommodate the growing population in some areas and in order to make cities safe and sustainable, to ensure that the population has access to safe and affordable housing, to improve the environment of slums and informal settlements, it also includes investment in public transportation, the creation of green public spaces, and the improvement of urban planning and management systems. To be inclusive and participatory (United Nations Development Programme, n.d.)
According to the Unified National Platform (2021) website, sustainable cities and communities goals are:
A. Update the National Urban Strategy 2030
B. in cooperation with the United Nations Development Program
C. NEOM Project
D. Providing safe and easy mobility through the development of transportation systems
E. Improving the global ranking of Riyadh to become among the top 100 cities in the world
F. King Abdulaziz Project for Public Transport in Riyadh
G. Development and rehabilitation of Wadi Hanifa The initiative aims to manage current and future water resources, and an environmental classification scheme includes sustainable uses and management strategies to protect the valley's ecosystems. It also includes a plan of land use that strikes a balance between preserving the environment and the needs of the city. This scheme won the Washington Water Prize for setting new global standards for sustainable development.
(Life Skills Tv, 2019)
Written by: Ghazyel Alotaibe
United Nations Development Programme. (n.d.), Sustainable cities and communities goals. Available from: https://www.sa.undp.org/content/saudi_arabia/ar/home/sustainable-development-goals/goal-11-sustainable-cities-and-communities.html
[ accessed 14 April 2021 ]
Unified National Platform.(2021), The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's initiatives for sustainable cities and communities. Available from: https://www.my.gov.sa/wps/portal/snp/content/SDGPortal
[ accessed 14 April 2021 ]
Government Digital Services. ( 2019), Smart Nation, Industry 4.0& Other Government Proverbs. Available from: https://blog.gds-gov.tech/smart-nation-industry-4-0-other-government-proverbs-1196b4afe14f [ accessed 14 April 2021 ].
Life Skills Tv. (2019,November 14), Riyadh’s Future as a World Leading Sustainable City | Life Skills Tv [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ij5gNtIF36I
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